Who is responsible for this lot

Hi guys

Found this on an EICR today. Serves 4 flats.  Massive holes in the top where the tails enter followed by main switches then very long runs in standard meter tails to each flat.   Is this the landlords responsibility or the supply company or parts each.   All in a locked cupboard in communal area with the key hooked at the top of the door for anyone to access


Cheers Gary

  • In my opinion that is a job for the DSO/DNO to fix.  That white box at the bottum of the picture holds their fuses hopefully in a tamper proof enclosure.

    As an observation the cables around the meters and iso's could do with some fire rated fixings or all round band

  • In my opinion that is a job for the DSO/DNO to fix.  That white box at the bottum of the picture holds their fuses hopefully in a tamper proof enclosure.

    As an observation the cables around the meters and iso's could do with some fire rated fixings or all round band

  • With this in mind who owns the red link “fuse” before a local meter?

  • if the red link  is part of a building network, then the DNO responsibility usually ends at their fuses, which  are the earlier ones, so the building network operator - which in reality may mean whichever contractors have been called up by the hassled sounding agent of the property management company, and be a different company each time. It could be you.....

    But in older buildings the old electricity 'boards' would have been responsible, but in most cases this has changed and you can find that the person responsible does not realise they are, and no maintenance since the year dot
