
Existing lighting circuits with fluorescent luminaires upgraded to LED equivalents.

Circuit breaker changing type and/or rating.

Contractor has provided an MWC covering the works.

All looks good, but because the circuit protective device is not strictly a like for like change, should they have actually provided an EIC?

  • All looks good, but because the circuit protective device is not strictly a like for like change, should they have actually provided an EIC?

    The suitability of a protective device can be undermined by other changes - e.g. lengthening a circuit (so increasing Zs) or selection of conductor c.s.a for an addition - things that should be adequately covered by an MWC.  Changing the details of the protective device while keeping the circuit length/conductors the same doesn't really raise any different issues.

    The details of the design, inspection and testing should be the same whatever shape piece of paper it's recorded on, so as long as all the necessary details were there, I'd be happy with an MWC or EIC or even something bespoke made up to suit the particular situation. The ones in BS 7671 are only examples (models) after all.

      - Andy.

  • All looks good, but because the circuit protective device is not strictly a like for like change, should they have actually provided an EIC?

    The suitability of a protective device can be undermined by other changes - e.g. lengthening a circuit (so increasing Zs) or selection of conductor c.s.a for an addition - things that should be adequately covered by an MWC.  Changing the details of the protective device while keeping the circuit length/conductors the same doesn't really raise any different issues.

    The details of the design, inspection and testing should be the same whatever shape piece of paper it's recorded on, so as long as all the necessary details were there, I'd be happy with an MWC or EIC or even something bespoke made up to suit the particular situation. The ones in BS 7671 are only examples (models) after all.

      - Andy.

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