Regulations / guidance regarding siting of distribution boards and dimensions of space in front of board required

Hello All
Is there any regulations regarding the siting of distribution boards like level area in front of board and dimensions of area in front of board etc?


  • Also there are BS 7671 general requirements (e.g. 132.12) for accessibility of electrical equipment for operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, repair and so on - no specific numbers, but a bit together with a bit of common sense inform maintenance/safety procedures etc. (E.g. if there was a policy of taking IR pictures of DBs under load with their covers off,  and H&S policy required two people to be present, then there would have to be sufficient space to do that safely).

    Also building regs might have a say where the occupants might reasonably require access (part M) - probably more likely for a domestic (AD M suggests specific heights).

       - Andy.

  • I always considered up against the ceiling, over the toilet in a pokey cloakroom to be the optimal position! Wink

  • Grin

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