A metering conundrum

I have just provided my monthly meter readings to my supplier. I have two supplies: both have dumb meters. After I had logged in, but no more, when I started to enter the figure, I was offered two alternative readings. Both were correct.

How on earth can my computer know this?

  • Well its either proof that panpsychism is correct, or that your meters are haunted, or it is a lucky fluke.

    I'm going with 'fluke' as the others feel in some way unsatisfactory.


  • You know in 2020 when Bill Gates persuaded us that there was a virus so that he could inject us with a microchip? Well that's what the microchip was for, it reads meter readings from your brain and communicates the data to your computer using 5G, his paymasters were the energy companies.

    I have fact checked all the above. Internet says it's true.

    (Yes, it has been a long day in the office and yes it is about time I logged off..)

  • You know in 2020 when Bill Gates persuaded us that there was a virus so that he could inject us with a microchip? Well that's what the microchip was for, it reads meter readings from your brain and communicates the data to your computer using 5G, his paymasters were the energy companies.

    I have fact checked all the above. Internet says it's true.

    (Yes, it has been a long day in the office and yes it is about time I logged off..)

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