I had an email this morning from the IET telling me that a Draft for Public Consultation has been published for Amendment 3 to BS 7671.

Details here  electrical.theiet.org/.../


  • Thanks for making us aware John.

    Might be me but I can't seem to find the DPC on the BSI site; the IET portal just drops me onto the BSI Standards Development front page. Have you a link to the actual proposal by any chance, or should I just control my excitement and wait a few hours?

  • Yeah, I cant seem to find it also!

  • Not there, dates on page are not alligned to advertised and typical of BSi..

  • Ditto, the BSI have it down as being in draft until the 2/7/24 and then Public Comments 3/7/24-11/9/24.

    I don't know if something's delayed, if someone has put the wrong info on the BSI, or as is always my working assumption that I've just made a mistake.

    Given I'm not the only one it's clearly more likely somethings changed/is wrong.

  • youtu.be/5WSqH9qatkI

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