I had an email this morning from the IET telling me that a Draft for Public Consultation has been published for Amendment 3 to BS 7671.
Details here electrical.theiet.org/.../
I had an email this morning from the IET telling me that a Draft for Public Consultation has been published for Amendment 3 to BS 7671.
Details here electrical.theiet.org/.../
Seems to have now been posted to BSI, comprising the changes suggested by Lyle and Andy (I haven't checked if they are verbatim).
If this is all it is... I confess I need to check the books but is this not already a requirement?
Also, to have been rushed out in this fashion, presumably this is in response to a specific incident(s)? Either way would it not be reasonable for BSI/IET to publish a supporting note justifying the change; this should illustrate where there is a (percieved) deficiency / gap in the existing standard.
Technical question wth regards to Amendment 3.
Will this be classed as a C1 or C2 on an EICR if a Unidirectional is fitted rather than a Bi-Direction if it is fitted to Micro-Generation like a Car2Grid or when doing PV to Grid? Also would it require a replacement breaker as the wording in the proposed Regulation states SHALL?
Technical question wth regards to Amendment 3.
Will this be classed as a C1 or C2 on an EICR if a Unidirectional is fitted rather than a Bi-Direction if it is fitted to Micro-Generation like a Car2Grid or when doing PV to Grid? Also would it require a replacement breaker as the wording in the proposed Regulation states SHALL?
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