I had an email this morning from the IET telling me that a Draft for Public Consultation has been published for Amendment 3 to BS 7671.

Details here  electrical.theiet.org/.../


  • Just one more though - I think we touched on it earlier, but I don't think it was followed up...

    The BEAMA document says "RCDs, and MCBs ...  NOT marked “in” and “out” or “line” and “load” or arrows indicating the direction of
    power flow (bidirectional) when power supplies can be connected to either set of terminals."

    which seems to suggest that if we had a device that could be connected either way around, but still needed one side to be dead when the device was in the open position not to get fried (maybe because the internals were connected between L on one side of the contacts and N on the other or something of that nature) - it shouldn't be marked SUPPLY/LOAD or with arrows. Yet it wouldn't be suitable for SSEG applications where a voltage could remain on both side simultaneously after a trip.

    Are we convinced that all devices not marked are suitable for power being applied to both sides, rather than just either side?

       - Andy.

  • Just one more though - I think we touched on it earlier, but I don't think it was followed up...

    The BEAMA document says "RCDs, and MCBs ...  NOT marked “in” and “out” or “line” and “load” or arrows indicating the direction of
    power flow (bidirectional) when power supplies can be connected to either set of terminals."

    which seems to suggest that if we had a device that could be connected either way around, but still needed one side to be dead when the device was in the open position not to get fried (maybe because the internals were connected between L on one side of the contacts and N on the other or something of that nature) - it shouldn't be marked SUPPLY/LOAD or with arrows. Yet it wouldn't be suitable for SSEG applications where a voltage could remain on both side simultaneously after a trip.

    Are we convinced that all devices not marked are suitable for power being applied to both sides, rather than just either side?

       - Andy.

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