Fire combustibility exclusion clause professional indemnity insurance.

This morning I had at look at my renewal quote for my Electrical Contractors combined insurances policy.

Attached is a briefing note from the insurance company, regarding a Fire Combustibility Exclusion Clause. Any thoughts?

  • I think this is just a general statement for fire and combustible materials.  It does make me wonder what they (insurance Industry) are working on in the background.  I have seem many a building fabric penetration where no fire seal/firemate (other brands are available) was used.  Could BS7671 see a Mandatory introduction for fire suppression in CU/DB something like Envirograf EnviroBurst (other brands are available)?  Will LS0H become the norm for domestic dwellings?

  • I think this is just a general statement for fire and combustible materials.  It does make me wonder what they (insurance Industry) are working on in the background.  I have seem many a building fabric penetration where no fire seal/firemate (other brands are available) was used.  Could BS7671 see a Mandatory introduction for fire suppression in CU/DB something like Envirograf EnviroBurst (other brands are available)?  Will LS0H become the norm for domestic dwellings?

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