BS7671 and Climate Change

We have been notified that a planning application we recently made is incomplete. We are required to support the application with a  "Climate Change Statement".  We make multiple planning applications each year, mostly for relatively minor projects within the hospitality sector and this is the first time we have been asked for such evidence. This current application is for a change of use from office accommodation to 60-seater day-diner. 

The project is really just a gut out with almost no new construction other than a couple of stud walls to create better toilet accommodation. The bulk of any mitigation in environmental change and greenhouse gas release is likely to be achieved by the day to day running of the establishment and there is plenty of advice out there to achieve that. 

However, I think it perfectly reasonable that, as designers, we should make a genuine attempt to detail how such mitigation might be achieved. Whilst my own business covers a wide spectrum of design issues, mostly for projects within the hospitality sector, I would like to compile a checklist of reasonably attainable measures from the perspective of the electrical design.

I dont really mean things like reduction in site meetings or using electronic means of data delivery, but more extracted from documents like 7671. A big issue for me would be 341.1 indent (iii). However, I will trawl through Appendix 17 and perhaps Part 8 for other considerations. Input appreciated!

By the way, Building Control still require 3 PAPER copies of all plans submitted. If they need amended, tough, then three amended copies must be provided. The lads just finished an EICR for our local Council Civic Centre where planning is ensconced. The heating is stuck in the on position so staff just open the windows!

  • well leaving the heating on sounds like it could be something that counts as a climate change influencing measure, just one that is acting in what I hope most people agree is the wrong direction.  Gah!

    One does wonder if the level of bureaucracy is appropriate - building control are presumably already looking at the plans with respect to energy efficiency, so why are the planning office duplicating the effort? Looking at that I do wonder what one expects to do to have a climate friendly satellite dish - paint it white perhaps to increase the planets ability to reflect heat back into space?

    One could have some semi-fad thing like rainwater flushing loos or extra thick straw walls, but the biggest will be designing for efficient use and the things that building regs cover already.

    I presume the place already has solar panels and battery as that makes a profit anyway after a few years and does not need to be mandated.


  • well leaving the heating on sounds like it could be something that counts as a climate change influencing measure, just one that is acting in what I hope most people agree is the wrong direction.  Gah!

    One does wonder if the level of bureaucracy is appropriate - building control are presumably already looking at the plans with respect to energy efficiency, so why are the planning office duplicating the effort? Looking at that I do wonder what one expects to do to have a climate friendly satellite dish - paint it white perhaps to increase the planets ability to reflect heat back into space?

    One could have some semi-fad thing like rainwater flushing loos or extra thick straw walls, but the biggest will be designing for efficient use and the things that building regs cover already.

    I presume the place already has solar panels and battery as that makes a profit anyway after a few years and does not need to be mandated.


  • One does wonder if the level of bureaucracy is appropriate - building control are presumably already looking at the plans with respect to energy efficiency

    Sometimes planning conditions go further than building regs (especially since building regs spectacularly failed to keep up in 2016). For instance, building regs might let you build a house that meets say CSH level 3 or 4 say, often councils demand something higher (CSH Level 5 or 6 say) and as building regs are fixed at a national level, planning is the way they have to implement local policies.

       - Andy.