BS7671 and Climate Change

We have been notified that a planning application we recently made is incomplete. We are required to support the application with a  "Climate Change Statement".  We make multiple planning applications each year, mostly for relatively minor projects within the hospitality sector and this is the first time we have been asked for such evidence. This current application is for a change of use from office accommodation to 60-seater day-diner. 

The project is really just a gut out with almost no new construction other than a couple of stud walls to create better toilet accommodation. The bulk of any mitigation in environmental change and greenhouse gas release is likely to be achieved by the day to day running of the establishment and there is plenty of advice out there to achieve that. 

However, I think it perfectly reasonable that, as designers, we should make a genuine attempt to detail how such mitigation might be achieved. Whilst my own business covers a wide spectrum of design issues, mostly for projects within the hospitality sector, I would like to compile a checklist of reasonably attainable measures from the perspective of the electrical design.

I dont really mean things like reduction in site meetings or using electronic means of data delivery, but more extracted from documents like 7671. A big issue for me would be 341.1 indent (iii). However, I will trawl through Appendix 17 and perhaps Part 8 for other considerations. Input appreciated!

By the way, Building Control still require 3 PAPER copies of all plans submitted. If they need amended, tough, then three amended copies must be provided. The lads just finished an EICR for our local Council Civic Centre where planning is ensconced. The heating is stuck in the on position so staff just open the windows!

  • Sustainability is much more than energy efficiency .... and actually much more than climate change, now encompassing ethical procurement as well as considering environmental harm and humanitarian cost during all processes from raw materials, through manufacture, transport/delivery, installation (erection) at site including waste, and maintenance/decommissioning.

    I see that LED lamps have been included in some recommendations ... it may require more of a delve into supply chain etc., and the electrical [power] industry is somewhat behind other construction sectors in terms of our standards approach to that. It's a little more than simple "WEEE", energy efficiency and materials, but a balance of all of that in addition to the ethical procurement side. The supply chain should be geared up to help provide some of these statement, but I think we are behind other construction sector materials supply chains in this.

  • Sustainability is much more than energy efficiency .... and actually much more than climate change, now encompassing ethical procurement as well as considering environmental harm and humanitarian cost during all processes from raw materials, through manufacture, transport/delivery, installation (erection) at site including waste, and maintenance/decommissioning.

    I see that LED lamps have been included in some recommendations ... it may require more of a delve into supply chain etc., and the electrical [power] industry is somewhat behind other construction sectors in terms of our standards approach to that. It's a little more than simple "WEEE", energy efficiency and materials, but a balance of all of that in addition to the ethical procurement side. The supply chain should be geared up to help provide some of these statement, but I think we are behind other construction sector materials supply chains in this.

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