Use of Schuko sockets in a UK home only for a HiFi system

Hello everyone,

This is my first post.

I have a question about using Schuko sockets in a UK domestic home.

But first, a bit of background might help.

I am a Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. I didn't think my people would be very good at answering this question which is why I am here!

In more detail, I would like to use a Schuko socket to which only my hi-fi system would connect. The socket would be connected to a brand-new consumer unit with RCBO’s. There will also be surge protection. All will be done to the latest standards and specifications by a fully qualified electrician. The wiring diagram would be based on the one in this link:

I will also have a regular UK 3-pin socket. I am a reviewer for a HiFi magazine and want to do the above as the basis of an article on HiFi power supplies. 

So back to the question, is there any legal reason (or otherwise) that I can't use the Schuko socket in the UK? 

If the answer is “yes I can”, albeit with specific conditions, I'd like to quote that in my article/review. Especially if the Schuko supply sounds better than the UK 3-pin with fuse!

I am looking forward to your response.

Many thanks


  • yes you can, but it won't comply exactly with BS7671, so many electricians will wobble at that as it makes it hard for them  to 'sign off' .

    For minimal hassle it can be done in a way that later converts back to a UK socket when you move house or whatever.

    Note that to be fully  representative of say German practice, really it needs to be on a 16A radial circuit, all the way back to the board and wired in cable with a full size CPC (earth) . However, in reality being fed from a 13A fused spur from the same sort of ring as all your other sockets will probably do just fine.


    Edit, that Russ Andrews doc is quite a laugh - beware there are a lot of snake oil merchants in Hi Fi, but I'm sure you know that..

  • Thanks Mike.

    My Electrician said he's happy to sign it off because nothing else can be plugged into it, e.g., a lawnmower going outside via an extension lead.

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