Use of Schuko sockets in a UK home only for a HiFi system

Hello everyone,

This is my first post.

I have a question about using Schuko sockets in a UK domestic home.

But first, a bit of background might help.

I am a Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. I didn't think my people would be very good at answering this question which is why I am here!

In more detail, I would like to use a Schuko socket to which only my hi-fi system would connect. The socket would be connected to a brand-new consumer unit with RCBO’s. There will also be surge protection. All will be done to the latest standards and specifications by a fully qualified electrician. The wiring diagram would be based on the one in this link:

I will also have a regular UK 3-pin socket. I am a reviewer for a HiFi magazine and want to do the above as the basis of an article on HiFi power supplies. 

So back to the question, is there any legal reason (or otherwise) that I can't use the Schuko socket in the UK? 

If the answer is “yes I can”, albeit with specific conditions, I'd like to quote that in my article/review. Especially if the Schuko supply sounds better than the UK 3-pin with fuse!

I am looking forward to your response.

Many thanks


  • ???

    .well, as in not continuously or even so regularly that I can keep up with each reply in real time (which is what the 'view latest' link seems to presume).

    And yes, regular and occasional can mean different things in different situations. Like the landlord who was asked whether stranger in his bar was a regular - 'well yes, I suppose so he said, he comes in once a year on his wife's birthday, rain or shine, and has a small sherry. I guess you can't get more regular than that'.

       - Andy.

  • he comes in once a year

    Just as I go to church regularly at Christmas and Easter.

    Looks as though I am agreeing to something different.

    Indeed, but quoting makes things clearer.

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