Tight and secure

I just wondered how others might view this?

Easy just to tick without really thinking about it, but how could it be determined that conductors are "tight"? Does it mean you just look, give a wee tug or do you burst a blood vessel with an extra twist way beyond manufacturers torque setting? 

  • how could it be determined that conductors are "tight"?

    Get a competent person to do it.

    641.6 The verification shall be made by one or more skilled persons competent in such work.

    651.5 The periodic inspection and testing shall be carried out by one or more skilled persons competent in such work.

    A competent person would know the signs to look for, when you can wiggle conductors (and cannot because of fear or possibility of loosening them ... did someone mention consumer units and fitting of smart meters?), and when and how to use an appropriate (perhaps torque) tool.

    In reality, though, in a larger installation, the person installing isn't the person responsible for initial verification ... does this mean that a competent person needs to follow (possibly another competent person) around and re-tighten all of their terminations?

    What's worse, is that if you check that box and sign the bottom or accompanying certificate, and it can be demonstrated you didn't check all the conductors were tight, you've not told the truth, which can bring about a whole host of other pain Flushed

  • how could it be determined that conductors are "tight"?

    Get a competent person to do it.

    641.6 The verification shall be made by one or more skilled persons competent in such work.

    651.5 The periodic inspection and testing shall be carried out by one or more skilled persons competent in such work.

    A competent person would know the signs to look for, when you can wiggle conductors (and cannot because of fear or possibility of loosening them ... did someone mention consumer units and fitting of smart meters?), and when and how to use an appropriate (perhaps torque) tool.

    In reality, though, in a larger installation, the person installing isn't the person responsible for initial verification ... does this mean that a competent person needs to follow (possibly another competent person) around and re-tighten all of their terminations?

    What's worse, is that if you check that box and sign the bottom or accompanying certificate, and it can be demonstrated you didn't check all the conductors were tight, you've not told the truth, which can bring about a whole host of other pain Flushed

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