What can I do with a plastic consumer unit

This installation has received a C3.

I am tempted to do nothing as an electrician has quoted about £600 to replace the lot with a board full of RCBOs.

Is there a simple way of improving the fire rating?

  • Is there a simple way of improving the fire rating?

    The other approved approach is to enclose the plastic CU(s) in a cabinet or enclosure constructed of 'non-combustible material'.... (although if it were mine and looked to be in good condition internally, I probably wouldn't bother).

       - Andy.

  • Is there a simple way of improving the fire rating?

    The other approved approach is to enclose the plastic CU(s) in a cabinet or enclosure constructed of 'non-combustible material'.... (although if it were mine and looked to be in good condition internally, I probably wouldn't bother).

       - Andy.

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