What can I do with a plastic consumer unit

This installation has received a C3.

I am tempted to do nothing as an electrician has quoted about £600 to replace the lot with a board full of RCBOs.

Is there a simple way of improving the fire rating?

  • It shouldn't be a C3 anyway unless it's under a wooden stair case or in an escape route.  If the under side of the wooden stair case is plasterboard that could possibly count as your fire barrier/compartment ?  A linked smoke detector could be a smart idea as well and could be a reasonable addition to the regs where such things are unavoidable.


  • It shouldn't be a C3 anyway unless it's under a wooden stair case or in an escape route.  If the under side of the wooden stair case is plasterboard that could possibly count as your fire barrier/compartment ?  A linked smoke detector could be a smart idea as well and could be a reasonable addition to the regs where such things are unavoidable.


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