PNB Protective Earthing Systems - Bonding Conductor Size

I was interested to read this article

It includes the following "... TN-C-S PME installations are treated akin to where PME conditions apply, where the maximum size of the main protective bonding conductor should not surpass 50 mm² of copper conductor."

I'm certainly not current on the Wiring Regs., but I was interested in the concept of specifying the maximum size of bonding conductor.  

Obviously cost and physical constraints would limit maximum size, but what's the rationale for a technical specification of maximum conductor size?

  • where the maximum size of the main protective bonding conductor should not surpass 50 mm² of copper conductor."

    I agree it sounds like a poor choice of words - "need not surpass" - might be been technically more accurate (at least in terms corresponding to my understanding).

        - Andy.

  • where the maximum size of the main protective bonding conductor should not surpass 50 mm² of copper conductor."

    I agree it sounds like a poor choice of words - "need not surpass" - might be been technically more accurate (at least in terms corresponding to my understanding).

        - Andy.

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