Safety and age of cutout located next to water main

Hi I’ve recently moved into a 1930’s property. The electricity supply has been installed on top of the water main. Has anyone seen this set up before? National Grid are saying that the set up isn’t ideal, however are refusing to visit to check on the safety. I have two small children living with me.

Can anyone give an indication of the age of the cutout and wiring? National Grid are saying that it dates from the 1970’s however I think it’s much older than that.

  • Has anyone seen a set up like this with underground electric and water supplies installed together? The water main has been replaced with poly pipe at some stage.
  • I'm a bit surprised it is a sold floor as houses of that vintage are normally wooden floor boards,

    I've seen a few with some select areas with solid floor - typically where it was expected to be wet or have to carry large loads - e.g. what was originally the coal hole or scullery, or downstairs/ouside toilet.

       - Andy.

  • Fair enough - detail of construction method may be a bit of a regional thing - after al building regs were not harmonized between counties until the 1960s.

    (Thinking further, the loo in my grandparents (Yorkshire east Riding) had a solid floor, but it was outside the main building, and about a foot lower down - and that was in a property that was newly built in 1935. Given you had to go out of the back door to reach it, I've never counted it as part of the house)


  • My house has suspended wooded floors except for the (indoor) downstairs loo and, possibly, part of the original scullery/kitchen.

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