Certification expected for an installation in a new extension.

I have an extension nearing completion at my bungalow, the electrical installation is a ring final with 5 double sockets, eight LED downlights and two pendant fittings, all connected into the existing 16th edition CU.  I have not yet received any certification.  What should I expect/ ask for?

  • Hi David. Regulation 644.1, for new circuits an Electrical Installation Certificate based on the model given in Appendix 6 shall be issued to the person ordering the work. Plus Part P certificate.

  • "expect/ask for" I agree with AMK. However, it is a matter of contract.

    I assume that the question has been asked because there is a problem. If the electrician fails to provide the paperwork, you might contact his (or her) Registered Competent Person Scheme.

    If it turns out that he was not registered, you might have a problem.

    Are Building Services asking for the papers?

  • Are these new circuits, or are they just additions or alterations to existing ?-If there already was a small ring that has been re-purposed, and/or  an existing light circuit extended, then arguably these are not new circuits, and in England at least not necessarily notifiable under part P, perhaps saving some fees and a bit of aggro, though if the sparks is with Niciec or Napit et al he or she can self notify anyway.

    If you are in Wales it is the same, but in Scotland it isn't and in Northern Ireland generally domestic wiring is not under building regs at all.

    However, for any wiring claiming to be to any edition of BS7671 that permits ring finals, expect as a minimum some continuity and insulation test results and a Zs, I'd really expect an installation cert rather than minor works, but you are allowed to invent your own certs (and as an example NICIEC do ), but they must have the same or more info on cf the bare minimum.


  • I have been away for a couple of days so slow to reply.  Some points to clarify.

    They are new circuits connected into the existing CU, in England.  He did some "measurements" so I assume they were insulation and Z's, although I was not present.  He is contracted to the builder, so not directly employed by me and the builder will have to get the works signed off by Building Control.

    I have not asked for or been offered anything yet, I just want to be prepared to know what to expect to avoid problems in the future.

    I think I will ask for an installation certificate and take it from there.

    Many thanks for the replies; this is an invaluable resource of expertise.
