Electrical supply to Residential and Sprinkler Pumps


I am designing electrical distribution for a building with 10 flats and 2 commercial units. The main UKPN supply is connected to a Ryfield Fuse board. Each flat and commercial unit is fused from the board and then metered. from the same fuse board, landlord meter is also connected and it leads to landlord equipment and supplies. I was wondering from where should I feed the two different pump sets (commercial sprinkler system and residential sprinkler system). There is also an evacuation lift. Note that commercial sprinkler pump and evac lift are secondary power supplied via UPS system. Residential sprinkler does not have secondary power supply to it. 

  • The obvious answer would seem that it depends who is paying for it. I would think the landlord supply. Probably need to ask whom ever you are designing the system for in case it needs to be metered separately.
