Should the UK domestic dwelling have a plant room

Should it be made mandatory for a UK new build domestic dwelling to have a plant room factored in at the design stage?  Something like 1 meter by 2 meter as the minimum requirement.  This could be a BS (British Standard) or a Building Control or CDM (Construction Design Management)

The Plant Room/Services room could be used to house some of the following
Boiler Gas/Electric/Hydrogen
CU/DB (Consumer Unit/Distribution Unit)
Power inverter and batteries
This is not an exhaustive list but it sets the idea or concept

The space could then be suitably heated and ventilated and fire resistant including interlink smoke/heat alarms

As always please be polite and respectful in this purely academic debate.

Come on everybody let’s help inspire the future.

  • We had a room like that, around two metres square, on the back of our house when I was a kid, we called it “The coal hole” other people called theirs a “coal house” or “coal shed”.

    There was a set of loose wooden boards that went behind the door frame, allowing the coal to be stacked up with falling out.

  • Some of us still have a coal hole.

  • Personally I live in a 1920 semi.   Some 1920/30 dwellings had or still have the gas meter and electric under the stairs.  In this day and age we know not to put them under the stairs anymore.

  • Personally I live in a 1920 semi.   Some 1920/30 dwellings had or still have the gas meter and electric under the stairs.  In this day and age we know not to put them under the stairs anymore.

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