Heat Detector?

I am to install some fire detection in a cafe. It will be a domestic type system to Grade D1. It is a two story detached rectangular building, 9m x 5.6m, with an open staircase to the first floor. The kitchen takes up approximately half of the ground floor space. As the whole building is affectively the escape route, smoke detectors are required on both floors. Is it worth installing a heat detector in the kitchen area? Would it provide earlier detection of a fire than the smoke detector? Normally a smoke detector would be placed centrally in the space, this would put it at the divide between the kitchen and seating areas(there is no significant dividing wall). I am a bit concerned about false alarms due to smoke from cooking and humidity. Is it worth placing the smoke detector further away from the kitchen area with a heat detector in the kitchen area?

  • Perhaps a rewording of the question. I wasn't asking if I should install a heat detector, rather, is it likely to detect a fire before a smoke detector in the same space. 

    So, how far away from the kitchen should a smoke detector be installed to prevent or reasonably reduce the chances of false alarms?

  • Perhaps a rewording of the question. I wasn't asking if I should install a heat detector, rather, is it likely to detect a fire before a smoke detector in the same space. 

    So, how far away from the kitchen should a smoke detector be installed to prevent or reasonably reduce the chances of false alarms?

  • No, a heat alarm will not detect a fire before a smoke alarm.

    But much more importantly, it won't false alarm on steam from a kettle, of a whiff of smoke from the sandwich toaster, and if there is a real fire that is much more serious than that, it will still detect it before it gets too big.

    So as it sounds like the place is more or less open plan, you may end up needing  to do quite a lot of it with heat sensors. But you need to see how the extraction works and consider where any fumes will accumulate.
