8 foot flurescent lamp

Hi guys and girls firstly to days my birthday I've got to 58 years old never thought ide make it especially with all the health issues I've had over recent times any way now to be serious can someone please show me the wiring diagrame for an 8 foot flurescent light single tube I'm curiouse how it's wired  especially the capacitor position I know they have one in series but not sure if it's exact circuit position thanks in advance x

  • Happy birthday! Laughing

    Try getting a flory starter (or tube) nowadays. I have a starter on order from a local plumbers' merchant.

    FWIW, Kelly Marie Angel, you are a youngster. I shall become an OAP tomorrow. Birthday

  • Happy birthday! Laughing

    Try getting a flory starter (or tube) nowadays. I have a starter on order from a local plumbers' merchant.

    FWIW, Kelly Marie Angel, you are a youngster. I shall become an OAP tomorrow. Birthday

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