Concern About Wiring Near Central Heating Pipes

Hi everyone,

I'm a little concerned about the wiring under the floorboards in my house. From previous visits under there, I'm convinced that some of the wiring comes close to or even touches the central heating pipes. The consumer unit (CU) was replaced a few years ago, so everything is protected by an RCD, and the bathroom radiator has a 4mm earth bonding that goes back to the CU.

Should I be concerned about this setup, or is it safe to leave it as is?

Thanks in advance for your advice

  • I agree with Mike and Andy.

    Get under the floorboards of any house which has them and you will see a real rat's nest. If pipes and cables are close, move them apart; and if space allows, pop a bit of insulation around the pipes. What I would not like to see is pipes and cables going through the same notch or hole.

  • I agree with Mike and Andy.

    Get under the floorboards of any house which has them and you will see a real rat's nest. If pipes and cables are close, move them apart; and if space allows, pop a bit of insulation around the pipes. What I would not like to see is pipes and cables going through the same notch or hole.

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