Black outs on the horizon

Looks like a bullet was narrowly dodged back on January 8th.

Blackouts near miss in tightest day in GB electricity market since 2011

Will we ever have a coherent energy policy in the UK? The graphs make interesting reading.

  • We haven't had a coherent policy since energy was privatised.  That's 1990 for electricity.  It's now a weird combination of leave it to the market, plus subsidise almost every form of generation in one way or another, so nobody knows what anything really costs.

    We have negligible amounts of gas storage, and negligible amounts of electricity storage in the UK.  We need a lot more of both.  But the regulatory regime needs to make it worthwhile to install.

  • We haven't had a coherent policy since energy was privatised.  That's 1990 for electricity.  It's now a weird combination of leave it to the market, plus subsidise almost every form of generation in one way or another, so nobody knows what anything really costs.

    We have negligible amounts of gas storage, and negligible amounts of electricity storage in the UK.  We need a lot more of both.  But the regulatory regime needs to make it worthwhile to install.
