Black outs on the horizon

Looks like a bullet was narrowly dodged back on January 8th.

Blackouts near miss in tightest day in GB electricity market since 2011

Will we ever have a coherent energy policy in the UK? The graphs make interesting reading.

  • The nuclear reactors used to power submarines are not really relevant for civilian electricity production, they are hugely expensive and need very expensive highly enriched uranium fuel.

    Moored diesel electric submarines were once used to supply power to ports and coastal towns, operation blackcurrant. Very unpopular with the submarine crews as a howling gale of cold outside air through the vessel.

    I am in favour of more wind power, more solar, and the often talked about Severn barrage. Doubtful about nuclear due to the ever ballooning costs and endless delays. More interconnectors would help, but we should aim to regularly export  power and not to regard interconnectors as a substitute for building more generating capacity in the UK.

  • The nuclear reactors used to power submarines are not really relevant for civilian electricity production, they are hugely expensive and need very expensive highly enriched uranium fuel.

    Moored diesel electric submarines were once used to supply power to ports and coastal towns, operation blackcurrant. Very unpopular with the submarine crews as a howling gale of cold outside air through the vessel.

    I am in favour of more wind power, more solar, and the often talked about Severn barrage. Doubtful about nuclear due to the ever ballooning costs and endless delays. More interconnectors would help, but we should aim to regularly export  power and not to regard interconnectors as a substitute for building more generating capacity in the UK.

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