SPD on EICR today with 2 red indicator lights

type 2 domestic FUSEBOX SPD on EICR today with 2 red indicator lights  the older range ( new range has one SPD )

I was of the opinion to C3 what do all reckon ?


  • Yes, nothing more than a C3. No danger to people or livestock, unless its in a hospital or other environment where surges could take out essential equipment, could be rather annoying if electronic kit got zapped during a surge. If there were to be very expensive electronic kit there, it shouldnt be protected by a single SPD anyway. Inform the customer, give them a price to repair it.

  • Yes, nothing more than a C3. No danger to people or livestock, unless its in a hospital or other environment where surges could take out essential equipment, could be rather annoying if electronic kit got zapped during a surge. If there were to be very expensive electronic kit there, it shouldnt be protected by a single SPD anyway. Inform the customer, give them a price to repair it.

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