Regulation 421.1.201

Are Consumer units in remote or detached garages exempt from regulation 421.1.201

  • To me "Domestic premises" would be a clearly defined term that includes the house, outbuildings and the entire curtilage of the 'premises' - it's the "(household)" qualification that doesn't quite fit into that. Household is generally used to refer to people - so where people usually reside (the main house, and any habitable outbuildings - e.g. a detached granny flat) would seem to count, but other buildings where people don't usually live (as in eat, sleep, not just pass through like they would a shop or a railway station) could be seen as excluded. At least that's one interpretation that does fit in with the published guidance. Maybe next time the reg itself can be re-worded to make things clearer.

       - Andy.

  • but other buildings where people don't usually live (as in eat, sleep, not just pass through like they would a shop or a railway station) could be seen as excluded.

    But ... the word 'premises' doesn't support that view ... it's not an easy one, is it?

    The issue being, that there are already legal judgements made as to what some of these terms are, so whilst we can discuss this at length, and try to put individual spin on terms either in isolation, or in conjunction with other words or terms, the legal process will have the last say.

  • but other buildings where people don't usually live (as in eat, sleep, not just pass through like they would a shop or a railway station) could be seen as excluded.

    But ... the word 'premises' doesn't support that view ... it's not an easy one, is it?

    The issue being, that there are already legal judgements made as to what some of these terms are, so whilst we can discuss this at length, and try to put individual spin on terms either in isolation, or in conjunction with other words or terms, the legal process will have the last say.

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