RCD Requirement for Kitchen Equipment

Hi All

I am looking for guidance on the requirements for RCD protection in commercial kitchen equipment. Specifically, I would like to understand which equipment can be exempt from RCD protection. Additionally, some of the outlets in question are rated above 32A, and I would appreciate any insights on how this affects the requirement.

Any leads or references would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

  • There's no need for an exemption as such, as there's no blanket requirement for RCD protection in BS 7671.

    Generally, 30mA RCDs are needed for sockets rated ≤32A, mobile equipment outdoors, domestic lighting circuits and cables without a surrounding c.p.c. concealed in walls. Some special locations (e.g. bathrooms) need 30mA protection for more circuits (but that's unlikely to apply in a kitchen) and higher rated (e.g. 300mA) might be needed in locations constructed of flammable building materials, but otherwise unless it's something like a TT system and you need RCDs for ADS, overcurrent protection alone may well be sufficient.

    Do check equipment manufacturer's instructions though as sometimes the make demands over and above BS 7671 requirements, and some companies may have additional requirements (e.g. based on their H&S policies) but again that's not a BS 7671 matter.

       - Andy.

  • There's no need for an exemption as such, as there's no blanket requirement for RCD protection in BS 7671.

    Generally, 30mA RCDs are needed for sockets rated ≤32A, mobile equipment outdoors, domestic lighting circuits and cables without a surrounding c.p.c. concealed in walls. Some special locations (e.g. bathrooms) need 30mA protection for more circuits (but that's unlikely to apply in a kitchen) and higher rated (e.g. 300mA) might be needed in locations constructed of flammable building materials, but otherwise unless it's something like a TT system and you need RCDs for ADS, overcurrent protection alone may well be sufficient.

    Do check equipment manufacturer's instructions though as sometimes the make demands over and above BS 7671 requirements, and some companies may have additional requirements (e.g. based on their H&S policies) but again that's not a BS 7671 matter.

       - Andy.

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