Trinidad & Tobago

Welcome to the Trinidad & Tobago Local Network  (IET TT LN)

The Trinidad & Tobago Local Network is led by local volunteers who come together to organize lectures and technical visits that provide opportunities to learn and meet new people. All events are open to the public and most are free of charge.

The Local Network aims to raise awareness of science, engineering and technology in the local area, and promote membership of the IET.

Visit the events page filtered by Caribbean Local Network to find out about our upcoming events.

You can get in touch with us at: 

You can also keep up to date with upcoming events and activities on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages


Facebook: IET Caribbean Local Network | Facebook

Our Committee for the 2024 session:

  • Prof. Tagore Ramlal – Chair
  • Eng. Anthony Chadee - Vice Chair
  • Eng. David Drakes -  Treasurer
  • Jennifer H. Maraj – Secretary
  • Aron Andrews  - PATW Co-Ordinator/Exec. Com. Member
  • Lisa Wharwood - Exec. Com. Member
  • Dr. Goldie Davis - Exec. Com. Member

Recent Updates/Events: 

IET Annual General Meeting/End of Year 2023

Held on December 09, 2023 at the Marriott Hotel, Invaders Bay, Port Of Spain.

Here are some photos of this event:

PATW Competition: June 08, 2024

The IET Trinidad & Tobago LN hosted its local PATW Competition on June 08, 2024 at the University of Trinidad & Tobago (UTT).

The winners of the competition was: 1st Place Jabari Williams

2nd Place was Jade-Marie Boneo.

Here are some photos of this event:

Upcoming Events for 2024:

Will be posted soon.

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