
The Solent Local Network is led by local volunteers (see below) who come together to organise lectures and technical visits that provide opportunities to learn and meet new people, covering an area of roughly Portsmouth to Southampton, East to West, and Winchester/Petersfield to the Isle of Wight, North to South. All events are open to the public and most are free of charge. Solent LN aims to raise awareness of science, engineering and technology in the local area and promote membership of the IET.

Visit the events page filtered by Solent Local Network to find out about our upcoming events.

Local Network committee

IET Local Network committees are groups of geographically-bound volunteers that come together to deliver a series of activities designed to promote the importance of science, engineering and technology to the general public, encourage young people to enter the profession and provide opportunities for engineers to share and develop knowledge and network with each other.

The following volunteers comprise the Solent Local Network committee:

Position Name
Chair Matthew Hicks
Vice Chair Ashleigh Hirst
Secretary Ashleigh Hirst
Events Coordinator David Miall
Publicity and Comms Robert Hall
On Campus - Solent University Vivienne Clarke
On Campus - University of Southampton Ivan Ling
On Campus - University of Portsmouth Vacant
PRA Paul Martin
PRA Victor Press
Academic Liaison Vacant
Business Liaison Jamie Neve
Young Professionals Lead Calvin Chan
Retired Members Section Lead Vacant
Isle of Wight Events Vacant
Voice of Experience Gordon Dixon
Foothold Local Representative Richard Spalding
Events sub committee Munyaradzi "John" Magwaro
Events sub committee Malcolm Bint
Events sub committee Mike O'Connor

Volunteering for a Local Network presents a great opportunity for young engineers to gain 'soft skills' experience. So if you are interested in helping then do get in touch.

Past lecture slides

PDF Are machines the next Einstein? (15th February 2024)

PDF Quantum Computing: an introduction for the perplexed (15th May 2024)

Isle of Wight

The Solent Local Network encompasses the Isle of Wight.  Events on the island are organised by a sub-committee of volunteers who are local to the island.

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