Yorkshire North

Welcome to the Yorkshire North Local Network.

Manage your notifications for this page so that you will always have access to the most up to date information about events in our area, with updates and messages that will ensure you don’t miss anything that could be added at short notice.

About Us

The Yorkshire North Local Network is led by local volunteers who come together to organise lectures and technical visits that provide opportunities to learn and meet new people. All events are open to the public and most are free of charge.

The Local Network aims to raise awareness of science, engineering and technology in the local area, and promote membership of the IET.

Our Professional Registration Advisors (PRAs) are available to help candidates for CEng, IEng, and EngTech.


Our in-person events are usually held in the North Yorkshire area, but we also host a range of online events. To find our events on IET EngX, visit the “events” page filtered by Yorkshire North Local Network or look to the right of this page. If there is an event or visit that you'd like us to organise, or you'd like to help to organise, please get in touch – we are always interested in new ideas.


Event Name, Date and Location General Information and Registration Details More Information

North Eastern Railway Engineers' (NEREF) Forum 2024

Date: Wednesday 25th September

Time: 18:30-21:00

Location: York Priory Street Centre, YO1 6ET

The North Eastern Railway Engineers' Forum will hold its 2024 meeting on Wednesday 25 September. Its purpose is to offer a range of technical presentations from across the various railway engineering disciplines with a view to promoting mutual understanding and helping the interfaces between them to work effectively.

To register for the event, please use the following link: bt.ly/reref2024

For more information about the event, please refer to the poster on the right, or to the above link.

Scarborough Science and Engineering Week

Date (October 2024) and Time TBC

The Spa, South Bay, Scarborough YO11 2HD

Scarborough Science and Engineering Week is a three-day annual event designed to show how science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) can make a difference in the real world. It inspires students and their families to consider the exciting opportunities that studying and working in STEM open to them.

Please check back here for more information.

Otley Science Fair

Date (November 2024) and Time TBC

Venue TBC

The aim of the Otley Science Fair is to raise the profile of scientific subjects of all kinds, to introduce new aspects of science, to increase awareness of and widen participation in science, to interest children in careers in science and to bring nationally regarded and talented speakers to Otley.

Keep checking back for the latest information and watch out for our events in IET area emails. You can also view recordings of our past events on our YouTube Channel.

Featured YouTube Video:

UK EV Charging Infrastructure - Ramping up Rollout to 2030/35

Latest News and Updates

University of York IET Graduation Prize 2023

On the 20th July 2023, we had the pleasure of handing out a sponsored graduation prize for the University of York to reward the students for their hard work. Many congratulations to Ben Millar, who is this year's recipient for this year's IET Prize (shown below). We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the class of 2023 on your graduation. We wish you all the best of luck for the future!

 Ben Millar with certificate

IET Hackathon Challenge 2022

Congratulations to the University of York Shock Soc who are the infrastructure winners! Their submission was ‘Offsetting Data-centre Carbon Impact Through Algal Sequestration’, proposed to utilise waste heat from data-centres to stimulate the growth of Cholera algae and sequester the equivalent emissions of the equipment into a valuable product in a circular economy.

To read the full article, please visit the following site: https://www.theiet.org/involved/young-professionals/hackathon-challenge-2022/

Anyone interested in discussing the idea further, should contact Thomas on either tm1451@york.ac.uk or https://linkedin.com/in/thomas9/ 

 York shock soc

Contact us

We're happy to hear from you! Contact us today.

2022 Volunteer Committee


Stirling Kimkeran

Deputy Chair & CC(UK) Representative*

Paul Broadberry


Neil Archer


Kate Redfern

*Paul is our representative on Communities Committee(UK), a committee of volunteers which each represent a group of UK local networks (typically 8) at national level looking at coordination, good practices and allocation of resources (mainly budgets). The Communities Committees for UK, EMEA, Americas, Asia Pacific, and South Asia and report up to the Communities Resourcing Committee which covers activities of local networks and technical networks globally.

Want to Volunteer with us?

The Local Network comes together to deliver a series of activities designed to promote the importance of science, engineering and technology to the general public, encourage young people to enter the profession and provide opportunities for engineers to share and develop knowledge and network with each other.

If you would like to find out more information and/or join, please get in touch: NorthYorksLN@ietvolunteer.org.

Latest CPD Certificates

Keep checking back here for the latest CPD Certificates.


Useful Links

IET Communities X Page: https://x.com/ietcommunities

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