South Australia and Northern Territory

The South Australia and Northern Territory Local Network is led by local volunteers who come together to organise lectures and technical visits that provide opportunities to learn and meet new people. All events are open to the public and most are free of charge.

The Local Network aims to raise awareness of science, engineering and technology in the local area, and promote membership of the IET.

Visit the events page filtered by South Australia and Northern Territory Local Network to find out about our upcoming events.

Contact us:

Our committee:

Chairperson - Jeremy Lai
Vice-Chair & Secretary - Ash Craven
Treasurer - David Alm
Deputy Secretary - Sian Hardie
Deputy Treasurer - Natasha Polglase
Student Awards Coordinator - Lyndon Hill
Social Media Coordinator - Matthew Michael
Retired Engineers Group Representative - Joseph Kasser
On Campus Coordinators - Natasha Polglase & Binu Sumanadasa
General Committee Members - Matthew Tripodi, Vanika Sharma, Matthew Taylor, Isabelle Huynh, Mary-Ann Stephen Kingu, Shown Cherian, Vidurshi Fonseka
Technical Network Member - Jason Huynh

Other events you may be interested in

1. Quantum Key Distribution - what, why and how organised by IET South Australia & Northern Territory Network (Hybrid event)

Date: Tuesday 30 July 2024

Time: 5:30pm ACST (in person), 6:00pm ACST (online)

Venue: Engineers Australia Level 11, 108 King William Street Adelaide, SA 5000    

Supported by: Engineers Australia, IEEE & TelSoc


Speaker: Andrew Edwards, PhD Researcher        

Short description:

This talk will delve into the cutting-edge principles of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), a revolutionary technology poised to transform secure communications.

We will explore the theoretical underpinnings that allow QKD to achieve unconditional security. The presentation will address the practical challenges of implementing QKD using continuous variables over free-space channels. Attendees will be introduced to an innovative taxonomical framework designed to categorise and understand side-channel attacks specific to Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution (CV-QKD).

In this presentation, you will learn:

  • the principles behind QKD
  • the fundamentals of how it can achieve unconditional security in theory
  • the practical challenges associated with implementing QKD


Programme content/rundown:

5:30PM - Doors open for registration, meet and greet, light refreshments

6:00PM - Presentation and livestream commences

7:00PM - Event close

 About the Speaker

Andrew received his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Adelaide in 2010. He went on to work in the maritime defence industry in South Australia for the next ten years. Andrew spent most of this time working on significant sustainment and acquisition programs such as the Collins Class Submarine and Air Warfare Destroyer. Whilst working as a systems engineering consultant from 2018 to 2020, he was responsible for setting up the model-based systems engineering framework on Project CHORUS under the auspices of the SmartSat CRC, which kindled his interest in secure satellite communications.

In 2023, he completed a Master of Telecommunications Engineering at the University of South Australia and is now undertaking a PhD in quantum cryptography applied to secure satellite communications. His PhD research project is entitled: 'Towards Practical Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution for Secure Space Networks'. The project aims to investigate the practical engineering problem of securing satellite-based communication networks using the quantum mechanical properties of light to achieve unconditional secrecy.

For more details, please visit here.

Enquiry (Contact Person and email address): Jeremy Lai, or


2. IET/IEEE Retired Engineers Group (SA): AMSAT Oscar 7, Operating 50 years

Date: Wednesday 7 August 2024

Time: 12:15pm ACST

Venue: Engineers Australia, 11th floor, 108 King William St, Adelaide 5000


Speaker: Rick Matthews


Organised by:    Retired Engineers Group – IET x IEEE

Supported by: IET South Australia and Northern Territory Local Network

Short description:

The mostly Australian designed and constructed satellite AMSAT OSCAR 7, or AO-7, was launched on 15 November 1974 and has just reached 50 years in space. It is the oldest man-made satellite in history to have ever worked for as long as that - and it is still working! The primary aim of AO7 is to provide earth-satellite-earth radio communications between Radio Amateurs within its “foot-print” on the earth below . Using one or more satellites, Amateur radio communications can be achieved over very large distances.

Rick will describe how an Australian University team was formed in 1967 with the aim to plan, design, and construct an earth orbiting satellite that was to become known as AO-5 when it was launched on 23 January 1970. Soon after that, work commenced on AO-6 and AO-7. Rick will describe the construction of the AO-6 and AO7 satellites. They were the first satellites to use of CMOS logic for their Radio Teletype and Morse coding and decoding functions. Rick was involved in the design of that logic. Other firsts for the AO satellite series were their unique antennas and magnetic spin stabilisation.

So, of all the satellites ever launched throughout the Space Age it is AO-7 that is still operating today after 50 years in space providing Radio Amateur operators throughout the world with radio communications even including the Polish Resistance during their struggle for independence. And in its long life, AO-7 has defied all those who said CMOS would never survive in space.


Programme content/rundown:

12:15pm – Arrival & Refreshments

1:00pm – Presentation

2:00pm – Conclusion

For more details, please visit here.

Enquiry (Contact Person and email address): Geoff Jansen, or Peter Guenther (0419 782 740)

Recent Updates

Date: 31/05/2024

That's a wrap for our 2024 IET Student Awards for South Australia and Northern Territory!  A HUGE congratulations to our award recipients:

  • David Olijnyk from Flinders University
  • Seung Hyun Lee from University of Adelaide
  • Jack White from University of South Australia
  • Sushil Sapkota from Charles Darwin University

Thank you to our Academic Awards Coordinator Lyndon Hill and On Campus Coordinator Binu Sumanadasa for presenting our awards to the recipients!


Date: 07/03/2024

Fleet Space Technologies Site Tour on 7 March, 2024

Calling all aspiring undergraduates and early career professionals! Get ready for the exclusive peek into the dynamic world of space technology tailored at Fleet Space Technologies! Our site visit wasn't just any tour - it's a unique opportunity crafted specifically for those beginning their journey in the industry. Dive deep into the technical intricacies of satellite innovation with a special presentation designed to demystify the complexities and ignite your passion for space exploration.

But that's not all! Following the presentation, mingle and connect with fellow students and young professionals eager to make their mark in the field. Build your network, exchange ideas, and gain insights from industry insiders—all in an atmosphere buzzing with innovation and opportunity.


IET Welcome Night 2024 on 27February, 2024

We had over 40 attendees at our Welcome Night event a couple of weeks ago, with great support from both our senior committee and IET Adelaide University On Campus .The event will include networking opportunities, a presentation of our events and initiatives this year, as well as a guest panel of committee members who are keen to share their experiences in a Q & A format.

Thank you to our Chair Jeremy Lai for organising the event, Isabelle Huynh for MC’ing our Q & A, and of course our panellists Matthew Tripodi, Gabriela Coelho and Shown Cherian. Last but not least, our resident photographer Matthew Michael for capturing our evening 


Date: 02/06/2023

Grateful for an incredible event celebrating Women in STEM with our exceptional panel of guests. A huge thanks to each of them for sharing their insights, expertise and advice.

  • Dr. Vienna Tran for reminding us to follow our passions and strengths and trust that we can make it work.
  • Kate Ford for inspiring us with your story and sharing all that you have achieved in both your personal and professional life. Can’t wait to see what future challenges you dominate!
  • Dr. Marissa Bond for highlighting the importance of introducing STEM to young children, especially girls. And not only highlighting, but taking an active role in promoting the wonderful community of STEM at all levels of education.
  • Alice Chan for being an incredible example as a leader and volunteer and being super down to earth about your journey in handling and managing self-doubt. It’s something we can all relate to.


Date: 07/12/2022

IET SA & NT Network Annual General Meeting 2022 & Networking Night


Date: 05/10/2022

IET SA Reconnect Networking Night

The IET SA & NT Branch are excited to present our Reconnect Networking Night event, hosted at the Rob Roy Hotel on Wednesday, 5th October 2022. All who are in the engineering community are welcome to attend this event. We understand that for many it has been a tough couple of years without in-person events, so we're excited to not only meet new faces, but also to reconnect with our members! 

The evening will provide an occasion for attendees to network with professionals alike across various industries, as well as opportunities to chat with future engineers completing their university studies. Bring your colleagues along and enjoy a night of socialising and reconnecting, complemented with canapes and beverages.


Date: 07/09/2022

Speaking STEM: AI Edition

Last Wednesday IET Adelaide University On Campus, AMESS Adelaide Mechanical Engineering Student Society and Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society of Adelaide University presented our Speaking STEM: Artificial Intelligence industry night at University of Adelaide to a crowd of 60+ students keen to hear from a panel of AI experts.

The night was a great success with some excellent insights from speakers Ben Schultz and Thomas Beltrame from Consilium Technology, Jordan Briggs and Themie Gouthas from Swordfish Computing and Jijoong Kim from Defence Science and Technology (DST). We thank all speakers for their time and presentations which gave our attendees a perspective of what it’s like working in the rapidly evolving and exciting space of AI.

Thank you also to the committee members of the University clubs for their efforts in the organisation of the night.


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