About us
The Mauritius Local Network is led by local volunteers who come together to organise lectures and technical visits that provide opportunities to learn and meet new people. All events are open to the public and most are free of charge.
The Local Network aims to raise awareness of science, engineering and technology in the local area, and promote membership of the IET.
AGM 2024
You are kindly invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the IET Mauritius Network.
Due to lack of quorum, the AGM has been postponed from Friday 24th February 2025 to 7th February 2025, at the same time and same venue:
From 18 00 at The Pod Building, Oficea, Vivea Business Park, Moka, Mauritius.
Visit the events page filtered by Mauritius Local Network to find out about our upcoming events.
You can find our more on our Facebook page