Control and automation

The Control and automation Technical Network facilitates sharing and understanding of technical information and knowledge associated with Control and automation for the benefit of IET members and the wider community. All of our events are open to the public and most are free of charge.

Welcome from the Chair
Welcome to the home of the IET Control and Automation Technical Network. We would love to hear from you about working with the TN and bringing forward any ideas to help us develop our network and contacts..

Key Topics for 2022 and 2023
We are currently working on the the Network's key focus areas for 2022 and 2023, so if you would like to input in this, please get in touch 

Each year the TN organise several topic events including seminars (F2F and online), webinars, and also engage with external stakeholder activities such and joint institutions events.  Keep an eye out for #Control And Automation to follow us.

2022 PhD Thesis Award Winner from University of Sheffield

Hear from our 2022 Award PhD Thesis Award winner.

On Demand content
Content from previous webinars can be found on the Technical Network Webinar Hub under Control and Automation

Executive Committee
Dr Yuri Vershinin, Chair

Roberto Alfano, Vice Chair

James Taylor
Peter Hazell
Becky Margetts
Craig Stephens
Matt Cottrell
Priyanga Ambanwala

Community Manager
Lynsay Callaghan

Contact Us

Lynsay Callaghan - Community Manager
T: +44(0) )207 344 5416

Contact us: 

IET Control & Automation Technical Network Malaysia Chapter

The IET also have a Control & Automation Technical Network (TN) Malaysia Chapter: Gather Engineering Professional with the same Interest to Embrace the Engineering & Technology in Control & Automation Area. You can find their activity and on demand content on Facebook.

Joint working
The Control and Automation TN are a corporate member of United Kingdom Automatic Control Council (UKACC).  UKACC is the United Kingdom’s National Member Organisation of the International Federation of Automatic Control. UKACC promotes the science and technology of automation and control. It is the link between the UK and the international automatic control communities.

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