What's the biggest problem?

Given we have a central government that chickened out of significant improvements in energy efficiency requirements in the 2016 building regulations a the last minute, carefully nurtured a domestic PV installation industry and then killed it off with a cliff-edge change in policy and now keeps moving the target for phasing out IC engine cars - would you say the biggest challenges are technical or political?

  • I would say political really.  Businesses want to do the right thing but need consistent direction from government in order to pull together the business cases for future investment.  With consistent policies, business can then have those technical conversations with manufacturers etc on the R&D needed.  Collaborations can then be built that are more detailed and realistic.

  • I would say political really.  Businesses want to do the right thing but need consistent direction from government in order to pull together the business cases for future investment.  With consistent policies, business can then have those technical conversations with manufacturers etc on the R&D needed.  Collaborations can then be built that are more detailed and realistic.

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