1 minute read time.

The successful 11th CAWE-23 event was our first physical event in over three years and was successfully held at Edinburgh University last week on 31st May 2023.

The colloquium opened with a welcome from Carol Marsh, IET Vice President and IET Trustee and Wasiu Popoola (Edinburgh University) and Dr Anil Shuklathe Chairman of IET Antennas & Propagation Technical Network, who chaired the four sessions throughout the day.

The lab tours  (to the new anechoic chamber and a demonstration) were very well received and talking to the abstract presenters they all really appreciated and valued the experience of presenting to an external audience and they acquitted themselves very well to the questions posed. For all the presenters this was their first presentation to an external audience.

The format of the day with extended breaks provided an ample opportunity for networking with experienced researchers and discussions around the posters. It was really impressed by the time and effort that the abstract presenters had committed to preparing their talks as many said that they had practised them with their supervisors prior to giving them at CAWE. A key aspect of this years CAWE was “Sustainability” and we were pleased that all the presenters had considered and highlighted how their work contributed to the different pillars of “sustainability”.

Thank you our three key note presentations: Amy Baldwin, Principal Scientist Dstl, Prof Matthew Angling, CTO In-Space Missions Ltd, and Dr Anil Shukla, Senior Fellow QinetiQ.

 Also, special thanks to Prof. John Thompson and his team for hosting event in School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh.