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944ac4db0555905dbaf629ef418acebd-huge-1280px-syerstontower-203.jpgA couple of weeks ago the Aerospace Executive team enjoyed a break from their usual meeting venues in London/Bristol, when John Beirne one of the committee members kindly hosted a one-off committee meeting/visit to RAF Syerston.

The base near Newark was used as a bomber base during World War II with operational squadrons of Wellingtons, Hampdens and Lancasters all flying from there at some point.  After various changes following the war, the base is now used to provide engineering support (Forward and Depth maintenance) to ensure the Air Cadet Organisation can operate its aircraft. 

After our committee meeting and lunch, John showed us around the Glider Maintenance Section, which provides engineering and logistics support to RAF Syerston’s Central Gliding School and 25 Volunteer Gliding Squadrons around the UK.  We saw the Vigilant (Grob) which is a self-propelled glider (engine fitted) that operates from 17 locations and the Viking (Slingsby/Marshalls) a winch operated/towed glider that operates from 8 locations, in various stages of repair/maintenance. 



One of our committee members, Bob Darby really entered into the spirit of the change in meeting location, by flying into the base in his Piper Warrior – PA28.  


The Aerospace TPN would like to record their thanks to John and his colleagues at Syerston for hosting the meeting/visit.