2 minute read time.

As I sit and write this article it seems that summer has finally arrived with hot sun streaming through the window. So much has happened since I introduced the winter newsletter that it is difficult to know when to start so I think I will give just a few highlights of the key things.

For those who came along to the RNLI talk in Poole in February, I am sure they will agree with me when I say that we were treated to an extremely good talk put on by a very enthusiastic team from the RNLI. I am pleased to say that Peter Eyre has agreed to repeat the talk in Weymouth (see below for details), and I would encourage those who have an interest in the sea or leading engineering and technology to go along.

I hope that you are all aware of the TV channel IET.tv In October when the new RNLI Lifeboat production facility in Poole is operational the IET.tv team will be making a programme based on the talk given by Peter Eyre and his team. (For those who have not seen IET.tv I would encourage you to take a look WWW.IET.tv as it provides catch- up viewing of some past talks plus lots of other interesting films and reports). Once the RNLI report becomes available I will try and get some details on our website. It was encouraging to see so many young people attend this event.

Unfortunately Keith Dumbell who organised events for the IET at Blandford Camp, has moved on and we currently do not have anybody to look after our interest there. Keith's move has created opportunities for us since indirectly, it put me in touch with the IET manager responsible for development of the IET with the military. Jointly we are looking at ways to see how we can provide better link-ups to the many engineering and technology units of the armed services within our Local Network.

Once again your committee has been working hard to put together an interesting programme for the Autumn. Sometimes it is difficult for us to come up with ideas to make a varied programme so we would be very interested to hear from you as to what you would like us to put on. Also are there any venues which you would like events at rather than the ones we use at the moment? Please take the time to look at the events and please come along to these interesting and very informative talks. Don't forget always to check the online community for details and additions.

Our committee is slowly getting smaller as a number of people retire so we would always welcome new members to come to meetings even if it is just to give us an input on the events we need to arrange.

Have a good summer. John 

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