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Calling all you Mobile Phone Engineers out there! 

I need some advice…


Without going into great detail, I’ve had a bit of an accident with my mobile phone (a six year old Nokia 6111) involving my rucksack and a bottle of very sugary grape juice with a leaky cap. I think the juice has infiltrated the insides as the phone is now doing some very strange things…



If I take the battery out, take the phone apart and swish it around in a bucket of soapy water, let it all dry thoroughly for a few days then put it back together again, what are the chances of it working afterwards without wiping off the data held internally on the memory chips etc?


Now I know you’re all going to say ... “Just buy a new phone you cheapskate”  wink  but my father has promised to give me his iPhone 4 when he upgrades to an iPhone 5 later this year so I’m holding out for that!  heart

  • Take battery and SIM out and give it a rinse in warm water. This process won't cause any data loss. As David stated, the sugar will increase the conductivity of the water and may have already caused damage.

    A friend dropped her phone into water by accident. She immediately removed the battery and SIM, rinsed it, then left it to dry and it works fine.

    The main thing here is to remove power asap. Unless the liquid is corrosive, you may get away with it.
  • If you do decide to rinse it out, would recommend the old drying it in rice trick. This has worked for other electronic devices in the past when I've spilt water on them.
  • Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
    The sugar has probably already done damage!