2 minute read time.
An experienced perspective of Cyber Security to include analysis of Out of Towners whose interests are for economic or other reasons. Theories since have now been actualised. Originally the theories took council from Marxist Model, Human Capital, Malsow and Herzbergs principals.

A sample extract of the research findings from my 13 chapter study into Cyber Security is shown below – further theories were identified after the initial questionnaire, from which questionnaire two and three were created to further enhance the study:

“ The author has assumed that human capital of an individual can have different meanings such as those reflective of the Marxist model discussed by Foley (1986). The model discusses economist theory where all individuals within a firm represent the same values and views, however for this thesis, the author takes the view of specialist Cyber knowledge that can provide interpreted value to the company. Where high human capital holds the same regards as intangible assets and low human capital holds the regards of tangible assets. The distinction is made to understand the bias of those individuals who are employed as salaried employees in a 'business as usual' environment as their application of tangible human capital is reflective of Marxist model discussed by Foley (1986) that for economic theory, where non wealthy individuals progress less then their wealthy counterparts in the same society - the thesis thus concluded the recommendation for a 'Chartered Security Programme' ”.


The Mba further created new theories as limitations to the study, which are now proven and actualised.


Extended Questionnaire :

In terms of each theoretical model below, what does the proposed charter model highlight from a manager and employee perspective:

For each model below, please paragraph your answers.

1) Herzbergs Two-factor Principles - Improving the satisfier factors increases job satisfaction by increasing or decreasing hygiene factors (Policy, relationships with supervisor, salary, personal life, company car) or increasing or decreasing motivational factors (achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement).

2) Human capital value ( the knowledge an individual has) as a tangible asset.

3) Motivational theory - See diagram :

Interpretation of Maslow's hierarchy of needs adapted from Antonios (2012). Represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom.


 4) Marx's Theory of economics ' labour theory of value' which holds the value of a commodity is the social necessary labour time invested in it. - Where capitalists do not pay workers the full value of the commodities they produce, they compensate the worker for the basic necessary labour only e.g day rates.

This is more an economical aspect of cyber security Industry – its included to highlight that some individuals may work in this innovative field for 'non 9-5 reasons'. So, with that, how can labour compensation be applied to the 'labour theory of value' for the manager and employee for such individuals within cyber security for compensation achievements.