1 minute read time.
On the 16th May a number of IET members and their guests once again met at the Beeldes Lake golf centre for the 2014 annual Brush/Erikson IET golf competition.  As usual, the weather was pleasant – in fact probably the best day of the year so far and the course was in great condition.  The event followed the usual format; meet up for coffee and bacon roles, then 18 holes, full handicap Stableford – with prizes for: nearest the pin (Chris Price [senior member]), longest drive (Craig Rice [Member]), best guest score (Mike Hayward [38]), best Senior Member score (Chris Price [31]) and best Member score (Craig Rice [38]).  Additionally this year, Craig Rice kindly donated a lovely sports jacket for the overall winner – which was awarded to Mike Hayward with his score of 38 points.


As has been the tradition for the last couple of years, Atkins provided some “goodies” for all of the competitors and funded the prizes to supplement the two main prizes (the Erikson and Brush Trophies).  A special “wooden spoon” prize was also awarded, for a score of 4 points – but we will say no more of this.  This year the IET also supplied a few “trinkets” to boost the prize pot – our thanks to them.  Through Atkins generosity and some excellent negotiation at the end of the day (thanks Craig Rice – a member at Beadles Lake) – I am delighted to announce we will be making a contribution of £119 to the IET Benevolent Fund - by far the biggest contribution made in my recollection from this event!!! 


With Craig winning the members prize, the honour of arranging next years event falls on his shoulders – it is possible we will try a weekend slot, sometime in mid-May – which Craig will announce via the various IET journals and communications.  The venue will undoubtedly be Beedles Lake as they have served us so well over the previous years.

Report by Fraser S Greenwood BEng (Hons) CEng MIET MIRSE