1 minute read time.

Recently a change in password requirements for the main IET website sparked an interesting debate about password security. One thing that came up was the use of password managers and there was a bit of a debate about their security.


I myself have a password manager. I resisted for a long time as I was worried about their security- keeping all your passwords in one place doesn’t seem like a great idea but after a lot of research and A LOT of having to reset passwords because I kept forgetting them, I decided to take the plunge and sign up for one.


In terms of convenience there is no contest – they are much easier for dealing with passwords. No longer do I have to worry about remembering my passwords for sites, or store them insecurely in my browser. Just a couple of clicks (or not even that sometimes) and I'm in.

However the worry still lingers the risk that password mangers, no matter how good they are, might be hacked, rendering the whole system useless.


What do you think on the subject? Do you have a password manager or are you steering clear? Are password managers worth it? Let me know in the comments below

  • Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
    I think "password management" has been around (us) for quite some time, actually many years, although some greater and some to a lesser degree.  These types may not be so obvious as we go through our everyday tasks.  Example: apple "password key" and google popups asking to save the password. 

    The most obvious is the nesting of password access through susequent email accounts and the "forgot password function".  You know when you use a secondary account to retrive your password.  I think most of the public email accounts use this security feature and its all around us in one form or another.

    As far as seeking out a third part password manager.  I would not
  • Former Community Member
    Former Community Member
    I think "password management" has been around (us) for quite some time, actually many years, although some greater and some to a lesser degree.  These types may not be so obvious as we go through our everyday tasks.  Example: apple "password key" and google popups asking to save the password. 

    The most obvious is the nesting of password access through susequent email accounts and the "forgot password function".  You know when you use a secondary account to retrive your password.  I think most of the public email accounts use this security feature and its all around us in one form or another.

    As far as seeking out a third part password manager.  I would not
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