2 minute read time.
Apple or Android phones ? PrivateVpn or OpenVPN ? SIEM or OpenSIEM ?

Without a doubt - its the application of knowledge that defines stability, strength and rigour. Many will know the adage that its easy to blame the tools when you cant sculpt a statue correctly, though, many also know it just takes _one_ tool , used correctly, to create a statue.

Some find acceptance of the same knowledge delivered through private lessons different, to those learning the same knowledge through other means – though its only the application that makes the ability to sculpt.

Its easy to gamify something new, knowing that it pays taxes, though, when saturated, the gamifying becomes difficult - almost wishing the start point was to have to different outcome and efforts turn to diluted methods of value add like ' universities'. Socially, most can use Facebook - that does not mean we all are graduates of 'facebook university'.

The commercialisation of knowledge creates a numb work force within cyber security. The UK has CREST, and so, as the core syllabus, they could be extended out to be 'open' i.e. use that core to create a open certification e.g. Open-CISSP. This would help the industry turn back the focus on product development,instead of developing a visa-factory method to promote perception management, to produce cyber individuals that remains focused on technology.

This would keep the industry progressive and open the knowledge to innovation - just like, in the UK, the Open University enables millions over many decades to contribute and achieve their own compensation goals - a similar certification, by , for example, BSI might create an offshoot of ISO 7799 to make an ' open cissp' the cyber security industry open to everyone in a healthy fashion and adoptable by all - they would however, keep the ISO 27001 going.

Open-CISSP; It would end ' vendor universities ' and building of corporate organisations based on a ' house of vendor  cards style foundation' that ensures knowledge is applied correctly ensuring stability without undue commercialisation and ensures cyber staff within a company are able to focus on the company’s success instead of hygiene factors or daft/failing background activity by a select few churning through grades/bands and promotions dulling the landscape based on age or tenure.

Vendor universities provide a strong method on administration of apparatus - though an 'Open CISSP' would help HR and the general indsutry remain in unison, especially if the 'open cissp' is made part of educational syllabus. This again, would turn back focus on product development  and shareholder success instead and decrease the pay-as-you-go management styles of house-of-card building concepts based on concepts that out-of-towners try to introduce.