2 minute read time.
The IET’s event on 5G is nearly here and we have an exciting line up of speakers scheduled for the day


Wednesday 30 January 2019

IET Savoy Place, London, UK
Register here

21c62d25590be6be211399a447abe414-huge-reza-karimi.jpgDr Reza Karimi
Dr. Karimi is Director at Huawei Technologies’ Corporate Strategy Department, with focus on technology standards and spectrum regulation. Until recently, he was Technical Policy Director at the UK communications regulator, Ofcom, with responsibilities in a range of spectrum management initiatives, including a review of the UK’s licence exemption framework, the auction of spectrum for 4G mobile communications at 800 MHz/2.6 GHz, and database-assisted access to TV white space spectrum.
Previously, Mr. Karimi was with Bell Laboratories at Lucent Technologies, and Motorola GSM Products Division. He is the author of over sixty publications in international conferences and peer-reviewed journals, and is co-inventor in over thirty patents. He is also a visiting professor at Imperial College, London.

a2148c22528b37a7e4004629790ac1b0-huge-tony-sceales.pngTony Sceales
Tony Sceales is the Programme Development Lead on the DCMS 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme.
Tony has spent over 25 years in the telecoms and technology industries, working on major projects at global firms including BT, IBM, Telstra, KPN, Swisscom, Prudential and China Gas, as well as with growth startup innovators. 
He is an Ambassador and former Executive Committee member of the TM Forum and collaborated in producing some of the key thinking around partnership business models and B2B2X trading.
His role at DCMS is to drive engagement with key players across industry sectors to encourage successful 5G investment and adoption in the UK.

d80ee5247fb61a121e19b7f8ebee78ad-huge-dimitra-simeonidou.pngDimitra Simeonidou
Dimitra Simeonidou is a Full Professor at the University of Bristol, the Director of the Smart Internet Lab and Head of the High-Performance Networks group (HPN). Her research is focusing in the fields of high performance networks, programmable networks, wireless-optical convergence and smart city infrastructures.
Dimitra has been the Technical Architect and the CTO of the smart city project Bristol Is Open. She is currently leading Bristol’s 5G urban pilots.
She is the author and co-author of over 400 publications, numerous patents and several major contributions to standards.
She has been co-founder of two spin-out companies, the latest being the University of Bristol VC funded spin-out Zeetta Networks, http://www.zeetta.com, delivering SDN solutions for enterprise networks.
Dimitra is a Royal Society Wolfson scholar.

Some of last year’s speakers gave their thoughts on the state of 5G – find out what they think in our video:

To register your place and for more information please visit the website

Hope to see you there!