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Are you a member of the IET and an Engineering Council registered engineer who has an interest in, or knowledge of, continuing professional development policies and procedures.

Then, you could be our next Professional Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) Member.

Volunteering with the IET is as rewarding as it is interesting and it’s vital to supporting professionalism in engineering and technology.

If you’re passionate about the profession, why not join our skilled and experienced volunteer community and be an ambassador of industry expertise and influence?

Volunteer and inspire the next phase of engineering.

What you’ll be doing

As a PDAC Member, your role is to review and develop the existing professional development policies for engineers at all career stages, ensuring they meet the needs of our members and the wider engineering community, including industry, government, etc.

You’ll advise on products and services that the IET provides to strengthen and support the  professional development for all our members as well as monitoring their effectiveness.

For more information about the role please download the PDAC Member Volunteering role description.  

What we hope you can bring to the role

Your passion and expertise will ensure that the policies are formulated in such a way that they can be implemented and communicated cost effectively.

Your valuable experience and insight could have a positive effect on our members and society in general.

Giving back to the industry can significantly benefit not just you but your employer as well. It’s widely accepted that volunteering develops personal and professional skills that you’ll bring back to the workplace. In a world where sustainability is ever important, volunteering helps make a difference.

Connect, support and shape our engineering future.

To apply for this volunteering role please complete the application form below and submit by email to profdev@theiet.org

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