1 minute read time.
18th June saw the Control & Automation TPN's flagship event on Autonomous Vehicles: from theory to full scale applications.  This was a full day event, held in a magnificent venue in central Paris and was a joint venture between the TPN and CNRS, GdR Robotique and Renault.  We were also very pleased to welcome a couple of our colleagues from the IET France network to the event and managed to film a quick chat with them both.

Over 70 delegates attended and heard from some fantastic speakers, including Shad Laws from Renault, Serge Lambermont, Automated Driving Director, Delphi US Silicon Valley, Axel Fuchs from Quanergy, and Professor Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool, to name but a few.

A good range of topics kept the delegates attention throughout the day, covering such subjects as Addressing uncertainty in vehicle navigation, Innovative sensors for navigation, the use of maps for perception and localization, Human machine interaction and Fault detection, diagnosis and driver warning.  

Most of the presentations were filmed by IET.tv and you can view them here  

Huge thanks must go to our lead volunteer for this event, Javier Ibanez-Guzman, who works for Renault in Paris, for the incredible amount of work he put into the day, together with colleagues Philippe Bonnifait and Roland Lenain
