1 minute read time.

A lecture on "Military R & D: Is it helping or hindering our security?" was presented by Dr Stuart Parkinson in October in the University of York. The lecture was an informative, thought-provoking and challenging presentation whcih questioned why the UK should spend so much resources on destructive weapons while the expertise and ingenuity of the engineering communicty could be much better focussed on conflict avoidance. Many questions and discussion followed from a receptive audience. The lecture can be viewed on IET TV at http://tv.theiet.org/technology/communications/17919.cfm 

Dr Iain Mosely presented a lecture in November covering various aspects of "Smart Home" and "Smart Grid" technologies including proposals for domestic DC distribution systems and intelligent power converters for micro generation and energy storage. The slides from the lecture can be downloaded at https://communities.theiet.org/communities/files/210/4304.