3 minute read time.
We are now well into 2020 and I wanted to tell you more about what the IET Media Network has in store in 2020. We are now well into 2020 and I wanted to tell you more about what the IET Media Network has in store in 2020.  We are ramping up our activities and we have launched our IET Media Network YouTube channel at http://bit.ly/IETMediaVideos, and you can easily subscribe via YouTube to feed your professional expertise. Our channel is the new home of everything that we are producing of a video nature, and we have begun with a series of informative webinars that will continue throughout 2020. Right now you can catch up with our Online Streaming Primer and an introduction to Broadcast Content Protection, and do look out for more webinars planned throughout 2020.


In addition we have also launched our LinkedIn presence at http://bit.ly/ietmedia, so come along and join us there as well as on our Community site at http://bit.ly/IETMediaCommunity. There are peers in the industry present there (including all the Exec Members) who are able to inform, discuss and explain on many subjects, you just have to ask.
In February, we are very excited to be running one of our first lunch events on Friday at Savoy Place in conjunction with Janet Greco of Broadcast Projects, https://www.broadcastprojects.com/news/ai-and-metadata-networking-lunch. This event is an afternoon of presentations and discussions focused on Metadata and AI developments, and is facilitating connections between some of the leading practitioners in AI and Metadata and the industry at large. We are working on further events like this, so do look out for more coming soon.
In March, we are pleased to announce our support for Rise: Celebrating International Women's Day, and event organised to hear from some fantastic women who have made their mark in technology roles within the creative sector. Find out more at https://communities.theiet.org/communities/events/item/60/76/24683.
In April, our eyes turn towards NAB where we are looking at opportunities for US and international members to meet Ian Nock, the Chair of IET Media in Las Vegas and possibly in San Francisco. Keep your eyes peeled for news about this.
In May we are planning our 2020 John Logie Baird Lecture following up on our panels from IBC to really address whether there really is an "End to Broadcast?" with an excellent set of industry heavyweights (figurative) discussing the different perspectives with some audience participation. This is our 18th year of this prestigious lecture, and for something that has been running that long, it will be as fresh as ever! Look out for news on this one soon.
Then through the long summer we will be leading up to making a big splash at IBC 2020 in September, and our planning is already well advanced on informed discussion by big industry experts on a very critical aspect of the TV and Video industry today - the big reveal will be soon, so look forward to news on that around the time of our John Logie Baird Lecture.
This is just some of what we are planning for this year, so come on in.. Join the community ( http://bit.ly/IETMediaCommunity ), join us on LinkedIn ( http://bit.ly/ietmedia ), follow us on Twitter ( http://twitter.com/IET_Media ) and now subscribe to us on YouTube ( http://bit.ly/IETMediaVideos ). See what IET Media is doing for you…
Ian Nock,
Chair IET Media Network
February 2020.