7 minute read time.
The Manufacturing Technical Professional Network held an event Bringing Manufacturing Technologies to Life on the 12th October at Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick. The event was sponsored by WMG, The Lloyds Banking Group and the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and supported by the All Party Manufacturing Group.

The focus of the event was to provide an insight to take product from concept to production. Allowing businesses managers to identify current methods for a successful product development and commercialisation.

Keynote Speech - The day was opened with a keynote speech from Dr George Dibb, Head of Manufacturing, Design & Innovation, Policy Connect.

As Head of Industry, Technology & Innovation at Policy Connect, George oversees and coordinates the work of the All-Party Parliamentary Manufacturing Group, the Manufacturing Commission, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Design and Innovation, the Design Commission, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Assistive Technology, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Data Analytics.

George holds a PhD in Physics and joined Policy Connect in September 2016 after working at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) for three years as a Higher Research Scientist. In addition George holds experience working at a European aerospace manufacture and design corporation.

The Importance of Making Things Dr David Bott, Principal Fellow, WMG

After 26 years with BP, Courtaulds and ICI, spent in both their corporate centres and business units, David began a love affair with start-ups 10 years ago. He was diverted into spending 7 years setting up and directing the Technology Strategy Board (now rebranded as Innovate UK), the UK's innovation agency. He is a non-executive Chairman of Oxford Biomaterials, and a non-executive director of Oxford Advanced Surfaces, has been a member of Sheffield University Council and has engaged in a wide variety of activities involving materials, design, sustainability and innovation

Growth and Innovation at Penso Michael Collins, Marketing and Sales Director, Penso providing an verview of LBG Manufacturing Strategy and the emerging new opportunities and how we support Industry 4.0 Opportunities via the Future of British Manufacturing Initiative

Michael is an experienced consultant and Non-Executive Director responsible for Penso’s global sales and marketing operation. 


He has worked with Penso for the past seven years and assisted the business to grow from 50 staff to over 250 employees, across three sites in the UK and India. As an aside to overseeing the sales operations, he is also instrumental in securing external funding from a variety of Government backed technology schemes such as Department for Business Energy Innovation and Skills, Innovate, the Technology Strategy Board and the Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI).  The net result has ensured that Penso has to date secured over £15m of external Government match funded support enabling the business to fast track its growth and manufacturing capability.


Michael began his automotive career in 1999, working for one of the largest Engineering Services providers Bertrandt GMBH. He assisted with the set up the UK division, from a standing to start to creating 150 staff across two sites within a five-year period, during his tenure he was also given the title of Prokurist (Power of Attenoryby) for the UK.


He also set up regional engineering offices for the likes of RLE International GMBH while successfully secured engineering contracts that supported the likes of Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin with both on and offshore development services.


A business and finance graduate of Staffordshire and Sir John Moore’s Universities he has he has spent over the last two decades  working within the Automotive Engineering Servcies Sector.  He continues to work with the likes of  Ford, Bentley, Rolls Royce, Ducatti, Jaguar Land Rover, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Maserati, Volvo, McLaren, Nissan, General Dynamics, BAE systems and the supply chain who support these OEMs. 

Horizontal Innovation Jeremy Hadall CEng FIET, Chief Technologist (Robotics and Automation), Manufacturing Technology Centre

Jeremy is currently the Chief Technologist, Robotics and Automation at the Manufacturing Technology Centre. The MTC is part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult and is based in Coventry, England.


He has been working in the field of automation for manufacturing since leaving University either as an Applications Engineer for ABB Robotics or as Senior Systems Engineer for Vanderlande Industries. Having joined the Manufacturing Technology Centre at its inception in 2010, he was responsible for the creation and development of the Intelligent Automation research theme. As the Manufacturing Technology Centre has grown, his role has evolved to become Chief Technologist for Digital Engineering for the MTC Group which encompasses the Lloyds Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre, MTC Operations and MTC Business Launch Centre. His primary interest remains in the application of robotics and autonomous systems for industry.


He is currently the chair of the IET Design and Production sector Executive Committee and has previously held a position on the Manufacturing TPN Executive Committee. Jeremy also chairs the High Value Manufacturing Catapult’s Automation Capability Forum and is a member of the British Automation and Robotics Association Council and the KTN’s Robotics and Autonomous Systems Special Interest Group Advisory Board. He is a Fellow of the institution and has been a member since 1992.

Asif Moghul, Senior Industry Manager Autodesk

Asif is all about great design and innovation, especially when they combine to create exciting new products and businesses.

His professional journey began helping SME's develop and bring to market a variety of new products ranging from consumer goods to industrial machinery and the occasional perpetual motion machines.

As the Senior Manufacturing Industry Manager at Autodesk, he leads a collaborative initiative focused on driving greater productivity, innovation and growth for the UK.

His biggest joy however, is meeting customers and learning what they need to design, make and sell better products in this era of connection.

Capital Investment in UK Industry Christopher Simpson, Managing Director, Simpson Associates

Christopher Simpson is Managing Director of Simpson Associates, an international engineering consultancy providing advice and support to companies in the UK, USA, Germany and other European countries on strategy, performance improvement, project management, acquisitions and other business development. He currently holds a number of non-executive directorships in the UK and Germany.


He has been Chief Executive with major manufacturing corporations in the UK, USA and Germany.  He has in depth knowledge of Germany and is fluent in the language. His specialist areas are advanced manufacturing and financial management. He has a first degree in engineering and is a Sloan Fellow at the London Business School.


Apart from his direct business activities, he is past Chairman of the UK Manufacturing Excellence Awards (MX), a current Member of the Board of MX Germany, Past Chairman and current Board Member of the Manufacturing Division and of the Management Group at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Engineers and a Freeman of the City of London.

Supporting SMEs Explore New Markets Overseas David Atkinson, UK Head of Manufacturing, Lloyds Banking Group & Jason Gregory, Manufacturing  Relationship Manager.

David has almost 30 years’ experience in the banking industry, having joined Lloyds Bank in the late 80’s and has since held various client relationship management and senior leadership roles within the organisation. In his current role as UK head of Manufacturing he has 13 dedicated teams of across the country who have been trained and accredited through a University of Warwick programme in conjunction with the Warwick Manufacturing Group to support and help through better understanding businesses in the Manufacturing and Engineering sectors.

Jason is an account manager, working with a variety of manufacturing businesses. Jason discusses some of the projects he has supported.  Also Providing guidance for companies wishing to Access overseas markets and the key criteria in determining future business opportunities.

Achieve business growth by increasing value to your customers Des Kennedy, Owner and MD, Infinite Design

A business owner and design professional for over 30 years, Des is a creative and strategic thinker. With expertise in design thinking, process design, marketing and digital transformation he manages and delivers projects for clients across the UK. Working with business owners and leaders who are looking to make a significant change by embedding innovation.


The day concluded with a lively panel discussion, chaired by Chris White the former MP for Warwick and Leamington. Chris is an active supported for industry  and in his time in office was the C0- Chair of the All Parliamentary Manufacturing Group. Commissioning the Making Good report in 2013, which was a study of UK Manufacturing culture and competitiveness.  Chris also supported the development of the Manufacturing Manifesto and has been supporting the development the Industrial Strategy.


Some of the presentations are available to view in the files area. You can also view some of the filmed presentations below.


Keynote Speaker George Dibb, Head of Manufacturing, Design and Innovation

Michael Collins - Growth and Innovation at Penso

Overview of LBG Manufacturing Strategy and the emerging new opportunities and how we support Industry 4.0 Opportunities via Future of British Manufacturing