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The professional development courses team are bringing two of our popular courses to the Teacher Building in Glasgow this April when the professional skills trainer, Louise Tythe, comes to deliver Preparing for Professional Registration and Mentor Training.

Supporting the IET's professional registration activity, the Preparing for Professional Registration course covers the benefits of professional registration, an overview of the competences required for professional registration with the Engineering Council (referred to as UK-SPEC), information about evidence collection, using Career Manager and the application process.  It also allows a session with a Professional Registration Advisor (PRA) to review individual competence.

The Mentor training course covers the key skills of a mentor, what mentoring is and how it works within the IET context, an overview of the professional registration requirements including information about competences and UK-SPEC and guidance on how to structure a successful mentoring relationship.

The courses are on the 19th and 20th April and places are booking up fast, so do book early if you are interested in either applying for professional registration and need a little extra help or if you are seeking guidance on mentoring someone in their own goals of working toward professional registration.

A full list of the IET's professional development courses, e-classes and webinars is available at: www.theiet.org/pd-courses or by downloading our brochure.